1 (edited by Hob Bramble 2008-01-16 17:26)

Topic: PunBB Licence Violation?

Recently as I was browsing the web for some information on a scouting project, I came across the following website/forum:

Now, it could be just me, but it looks an awful lot like it's running PunBB.  However, the page footer certainly doesn't give that impression:

Powered by DefineYours.Net
© Copyright 2007 Andrew Stueckroth

Just thought a few people might find that interesting.

EDIT: Also, I managed to find Google's cache of a page from the forum: … %3Fpid%3D1

If you are looking at this (which I guess you are), the install of PunBB appears to have worked!

However, even there the DefineYours.net copyright is in place instead of the punBB one.

-Master Hob Bramble of Willowbottom

Pardon me, good sir, but it appears that your diving apparatus has a leak.
Perpetual Thursday | Alternative-Internet.com | hobbramble.deviantart.com

Re: PunBB Licence Violation?

Although frowned upon, it's perfectly legal. As long as they keep the copyright in the source code they're fine.

FluxBB - Less is more

Re: PunBB Licence Violation?

As Dr.Jeckyl said, changing the copyright on the output is legal (and it doesn't exist in 1.3). Changing the Powered by line is legal but frowned upon. Changing the copyright in the code and redistributing it is illegal.