Hi good you fix the broken punbb search, it ages every week on our busy forum.. and never finds relevant posts in proper order, no matter how often I rebuild the 50MB?! index.
Mysql fulltext search is neat, it has some halfdocumented quirks though, some common signs like - and & are not counted as characters belonging to words, and there may be charset limitations in some cases.
(my word was "Ki-Duk" it didn't match with word length 4 (default) but it did with wordlength 2, I searched with "Ki-Duk" (with the quotes) so it should have matched with 4ft world length, but - isn't treated as part of a word)
A few tips: use " AGAINST ('xxx' IN BOOLEAN MODE)" and set the mysql min ft word length to 2 characters, chinese have to put it to 1.
this automatically allows "" and + - searches, it's lovely, it will blow punbb's old method out of the water even with the quirks.
Per default it matches utf8 fine on our hacked to utf8 1.2 board. it treats accented letters the same as non accented (you want this!), untill you double quote the search.
Is there a hack/mod that enables fulltext search in 1.2 available btw?