1 (edited by Bold Soul 2004-02-29 16:43)

Topic: Relocating forms/Redirecting forms /Login status

Hi all:

First of all, I haven't upgraded to 1.1.2. yet (maybe I should before I go live).  Can anyone provide insight on the following:

1) Relocating forms - is it possible to place the forms (login, register, profile) in a folder separate from the rest of punBB?  What other than url references would I have to change?

2) Redirecting forms - I would like to be able to change the location where the register and login forms redirect upon successful submit.  It is fairly straightforward with the register form, but I'm lost on login.php.

3) I would like to include {pun_status} on more pages than just the forum.  Any fast tips would be appreciated.


Re: Relocating forms/Redirecting forms /Login status

ok - I have relocating forms down.  Almost there on redirecting forms.  Still plugging!