Topic: Need help with Attachment Mod error

Hello everyone,

This is my first post. I'm testing board packages for an online course I am teaching. I absolutely love punBB so far and I am glad I stumbled upon it! Attachments are a real must for me since my students need to be able to post completed assignments. The punBB 1.2.16 install went very smoothly. Next I tried the Attachment Mod installation and that also went well (as far as I could tell), but when I tried a few test attachments, they wouldn't show up in the posted messages. Strangely, when I tried a TXT file it worked, but PDF, JPEG and DOC test files would not attach. These were all very small files so I don't think it could have been a file size limit problem. Has anyone experienced similar problems who might have an answer? I thank you in advance and hope I can get this worked out.


Re: Need help with Attachment Mod error

Were any error messages displayed at all?

3 (edited by Kurt8 2008-01-30 23:01)

Re: Need help with Attachment Mod error

No, no error messages at all. I browsed to the PDF and then submitted the message. The message showed up in the forum but without the attachment. Again, the simple TXT file attachment that the mod author suggests trying worked just fine. File was visible and I could download and view it. Maybe I made a mistake in that long list of code changes somewhere?


Re: Need help with Attachment Mod error

I am not overly familiar with the mod myself, but is there an admin plugin for it? That perhaps you can use to set the allowed file types for uploading?


Re: Need help with Attachment Mod error

Yes, there is and for the administrator all of the standard files are allowed without making any changes to permissions (as far as I can tell anyway). Even for moderators and members the standard files are included out of the box (doc, pdf, txt, jpeg, mp3). I'm finding this error very strange as it is actually working with the TXT file. Maybe I do need to review my file size limit settings again...



Re: Need help with Attachment Mod error

I just tried the entire installation process a second time (paying more careful attention to the code changes) but I'm having the same problem. TXT files can be attached but no others. Is anyone running the attachment mod successfully under punbb 1.2.16?

I have the feeling my coding skills are not up to making the changes in the files. I must be making a mistake somewhere. Would it be silly of me to ask that someone send me their altered files from a successful installation of the attachment mod? Those files would be:


I apologize if that is out of line with forum rules.

Thanks in advance.



Re: Need help with Attachment Mod error

Okay, I got it. Embarrassing but true, I had the maximum file size set too low. That's why the tiny text file went through and the others didn't. I think I need to review my bit and byte conversions more often...

I am one happy punBB user now. My forum launches on Monday and I was very close to using phpBB instead. Now with attachments working I'm ready to launch with punBB. I'm so glad I (and my members) don't have to wade through all of those menu settings in phpBB.

Thanks for the help.
