Topic: Need help with Attachment Mod error
Hello everyone,
This is my first post. I'm testing board packages for an online course I am teaching. I absolutely love punBB so far and I am glad I stumbled upon it! Attachments are a real must for me since my students need to be able to post completed assignments. The punBB 1.2.16 install went very smoothly. Next I tried the Attachment Mod installation and that also went well (as far as I could tell), but when I tried a few test attachments, they wouldn't show up in the posted messages. Strangely, when I tried a TXT file it worked, but PDF, JPEG and DOC test files would not attach. These were all very small files so I don't think it could have been a file size limit problem. Has anyone experienced similar problems who might have an answer? I thank you in advance and hope I can get this worked out.