Topic: How do I change the color of "post new topic"?

My forums are here:

How do I change the "Pages: 1 Index » general. Post new topic" to a color that doesn't hide in the background image?

I'd like to change this text to white, or add a background that allows it to be shown.

Where in the style sheet can I change this?


Re: How do I change the color of "post new topic"?

anyone?  help...

Re: How do I change the color of "post new topic"?

.pun .linkst { color: #FFFFFF; }

Re: How do I change the color of "post new topic"?

Which CSS should I put this code into?

The Lithium.css or the Lithium.cs.css?

Thank you!

Re: How do I change the color of "post new topic"?

It doesn't matter. But Lithium_cs.css would be best.

Re: How do I change the color of "post new topic"?

I added it to the Lithium_cs.css, but it only changed the color for the text at the top in a few spots.

Is there a way to change all of this to white?

Know what I'm saying?

Re: How do I change the color of "post new topic"?

Add .linksb to that too. And you may want to style the links.


Re: How do I change the color of "post new topic"?

I added as suggested, but links have not changed, I added:

.pun .linkst { color: #FFFFFF; }
.pun .linksb { color: #FFFFFF; }

Re: How do I change the color of "post new topic"?

You need to style the links separately. As in, style the a tag in .linkst and .linksb.

10 (edited by wii 2008-02-07 12:37)

Re: How do I change the color of "post new topic"?

Do you mean adding something like this ?

.linkst a:link {COLOR: #FFFFFF}
.linksb a:link {COLOR: #FFFFFF}


Re: How do I change the color of "post new topic"?

Just tried the above, that doesn´t work



Re: How do I change the color of "post new topic"?

I also tried:

.pagelink conl a:link {COLOR: #FFFFFF}
.postlink conr a:link {COLOR: #FFFFFF}

Doesn´t work either - I hope someone can help.

Re: How do I change the color of "post new topic"?

You need to put .pun infront of it:

.pun .linkst a:link {COLOR: #FFFFFF}
.pun .linksb a:link {COLOR: #FFFFFF}


Re: How do I change the color of "post new topic"?

Strange, the above works in Firefox, but not in Internet Explorer.

The links below the topics have not changed though.


Re: How do I change the color of "post new topic"?

You are not going to get very far if you don't set the color for a:visited (unless you have never clicked the link)


Re: How do I change the color of "post new topic"?

Ok, this works, but still some problems:

.pun .linkst a:link, .pun .linkst a:visited {COLOR: #FFFFFF}
.pun .linksb a:link, .pun .linksb a:visited {COLOR: #FFFFFF}
.pun .linkst a:link {text-decoration: none}
.pun .linksb a:link {text-decoration: none}

1. As you can see I added the text-decoration: none, but only Firefox sees this, Opera and IE still shows an underline under the links
2. The links below the topics themselves are not affected by this code - what am I missing here ?

Thanks a lot


Re: How do I change the color of "post new topic"?

.pun .linkst a:link, .pun .linksb a:link, .pun .postlinksb a:link,
.pun .linkst a:visited, .pun .linksb a:visted, .pun .postlinksb a:visited
         color: #fff;
         text-decoration: none;


Re: How do I change the color of "post new topic"?

A little typo at:

.pun .linksb a:visted

Should be:

.pun .linksb a:visited

But now it works perfectly everywhere - THANKS A LOT !