Without Extensions (branches_punbb-1[1].3-dev-r1478)
checked every one of them 5 to 10 times before telling the finial result
index.php [ Generated in 0.009 seconds, 10 queries executed ]
Punbb Beta Test Forum [ Generated in 0.011 seconds, 6 queries executed ]
Test post [ Generated in 0.016 seconds, 7 queries executed ]
Profile [ Generated in 0.020 seconds, 5 queries executed ]
Search [ Generated in 0.014 seconds, 5 queries executed ]
Now Installing Extensions
following extensions will be installed
-Browser and OS icons v1.0
-Easy Profile Fields v2.0.2
-Last Post Subject on Forum Index v1.0
-reCaptcha v0.1
-Smiley List v1.1.1
with extensions
index.php [ Generated in 0.011 seconds, 10 queries executed ]
Punbb Beta Test Forum [ Generated in 0.013 seconds, 6 queries executed ]
Test post [ Generated in 0.019 seconds, 7 queries executed ]
Profile [ Generated in 0.022 seconds, 5 queries executed ]
Search [ Generated in 0.016 seconds, 5 queries executed ]
Mpok wrote:Smartys wrote:1. We haven't done benchmarks, so we don't know. But yes, I would presume that any difference in speed isn't drastic.
Well... Adding new features DOES cost time processing. Always. 
I.e., the simple fact of changing way of construct requests (which permits further modifications with hooks) IS slower than a 'plain text' request, but the difference is indeed negligible.
Another one : use of url_rewriting IS time comsumming (rather an Apache's issue, as the process of a .htaccess is not optimized), but the feature itself is real great..
And last but most important : the entire 'hook system' (which is the major benefit of 1.3) IS slower than the old ugly 'mod system' (since the eval() function is one of the slowest function in PHP, as it is in C or others).
So each 'extension 1.3' will be slower than the corresponding 'mod 1.2' (by construction)...
Hope it "isn't drastic", as u said..
judging of what you said is correct .... if a little extensions like this effect that much i wonder how will the big ones react ... it also efftect the speed of page which is not even envolved in that extensions like search and profile pages
will test the 1.2 later ... i am tired now