1 (edited by fido120dz 2008-02-18 10:40)

Topic: pless need a punbb withe attach mod installed ..

pleas modirators ... I need a punbb withe attach mod installed ..

Re: pless need a punbb withe attach mod installed ..

Your'l need to explian a little more..

your own site or a free site, where you joined up?

Cant you do it or are you having problems?

What versions are you using?

Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.

Re: pless need a punbb withe attach mod installed ..

i have a forum http://www.arab.levrai.com/upload
wen i anstall the attach mod i have a lotof problems after long time
if you can install the attach mod in my forum punbb i give you the ftp username and password
or if you can sent me a punbb withe attach mod installed ago ....
sorry ...frand  .... am algerien and i dont speack english well

Re: pless need a punbb withe attach mod installed ..

Just a note that you should NEVER give our your ftp detials to ANYONE!

ill help you problem by problem so install it and post your first problem.

Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.

Re: pless need a punbb withe attach mod installed ..

think's matt1298 .... have you a msn acont or skyp 4 chatting som times...?

6 (edited by Utchin 2008-02-18 12:16)

Re: pless need a punbb withe attach mod installed ..

MSN: matthew_hutchings[at]hotmail[dot]com

Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.

Re: pless need a punbb withe attach mod installed ..

Check www.megapun.com

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