Topic: A List of features... for the future ;)
Hi All,
Couple of days ago I've posted a list of ideas and suggestions for next version; here's an optimized version of it
As a "Content Management System":
* A Complete AJAX BB:
Ajax Menu: the whole site-map in 1 XML menu file.
Each topic should have a (posts.xml) file and a (members.xml) file.
* A JavaScript calendar support: something like
* user/visitors statistics: in the status bar, and/or in additional artificial buttonface-color status bar.
Something like: Visitors: (# online/ # total) - Members: (# online / # total)
I've wrote a code like this in a scripts.js.php
window.status = "Visitors: (<?php echo count($guests) ?> online/ # total) - Members: (<?php echo count($users) ?> online / # total)";
but it didn't work
* Imagine some kind of compatibility between punbb and mailman (GNU mailing list)
The idea is: providing two ways to send and receive posts/messages: web browser, and mail client.
* Encoding: utf-8, with Unicode font (Tahoma).
Utf-8 and Tahoma are better for non-Latin characters.
* Text Boxes <Input>: LTR attribute for filename, username & password fields.
It's is necessary to prevent inheriting RTL attribute in RTL pages, since filename, username & password are usually LTR texts.
Some of the fallowing ideas are here:
* Header Footer: width:100% across the whole page width.
* Buttons: Flat borders, themes color.
* Replacing "online/offline" texts in member-profile pane with a blink-maroon-gif for "online" and a gray-png for "offline".
* Printing: client side (see hiding the header, menu, sidebar -if any-, and footer blocks)
* Footer: text-align: center.
* Title box: white lines up and down.
* Menu blocks: links should be blocks, not simple underlined texts.
* Font size: 10px
* Colorizing Scroll bar (for IE5.5+ users) - I wish if it was w3c standard
* OS Colors in The Control Panel/Administration pages (Buttonface..etc) and bigger padding.
Regarding CSS files I prefer coding like this:
DIV>DIV>DIV.postfootright {
rather than:
DIV>DIV>DIV.postfootleft, DIV>DIV>DIV.postfootright {PADDING-TOP: 1px; MARGIN-TOP: -1px}
The first one is much readable.
Giga thanx..