1 (edited by rambi 2004-03-06 15:18)

Topic: hot to Install?

I know this sounds stupid, though how do i do this part: "Run install.php from the forum root directory through your browser." ? sad

EDIT: I meant "How to install" not "hot to install" tongue

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Re: hot to Install?

Well, if you've uploaded the forum into a directory called forums on your webspace, you simply open up your browser and navigate to http://www.yourhost.com/blabla/forums/install.php

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."


Re: hot to Install?

Nope, it still looks like a text file sad

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4 (edited by rambi 2004-03-06 16:12)

Re: hot to Install?

when i run the installation file for php,  i choose apache for my webserver (cuz i intalled it) and at bthe end of the installation it sez summthing about changing the configuration of apahe

EDIT: SOrry for my spelling errprs

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Re: hot to Install?

Well, then you should look at the install documentation for PHP. There are excellent instructions on www.php.net.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."