1 (edited by Audiofeeline 2008-02-29 14:29)

Topic: SEO stuff

Hi all !
I'm actually testing the new beta of PunBB and it working good !
I really love that new urls ! tongue

But I think there's something bad in topics.

We have one url for the topic : http://beta.ziik.fr/topic1-Test-post.html
But we have a duplicate content with that : http://beta.ziik.fr/post1.html#p1

It would be better using the first one (topic1-Test-post.html) with the anchor (topic1-Test-post.html#1).

We generaly remove special characters in URLs, this is not really great : http://beta.ziik.fr/topic2-Decouverte-P … er....html lol
It's good to make URLs with lowercase.

I saw a little thing strange too for RSS/ATOM feeds, we have that url : http://beta.ziik.fr/topic1-rss.html
It would be better like this I think : http://beta.ziik.fr/topic1-rss.xml

Less important, profiles URLs could be bette than : http://beta.ziik.fr/user2.html
We may use the username : http://beta.ziik.fr/user2-audiofeeline.html (for example)

I can also report that install working well & I had no problems ! smile

It's a good jobs guys !


Re: SEO stuff

I don't think you made it clear in your post, but duplicate content will lose you marks in a search engines eyes which makes it a pretty important thing to sort out.

What I'd do is have one of the URLs 301 redirect to the desired one.