Topic: Trouble moving forum

I am having issues moving our forum to another host.  In researching the posts here this is what i did:

- Copied the forum files from the old server to the new one

- Created a new database and users on the new server

- Ran install.php on the new server to recreate the config file

In checking the forum, I have lost a lot of my formatting.  Were other files changed in the install?  Also, how do you add the databases from the old server to the new one?

Thank you for any and all assistance as this has become a time sensitive issue.

Re: Trouble moving forum


Re: Trouble moving forum


The custom style of the forum is changed.  It looks as if the CSS is different, but everything was simply copied from one server to the other.

Also, I think I am not clear on how to move the database over.

Thank you

Re: Trouble moving forum


And for the database, you simply take a database dump and import it on the other side.

Re: Trouble moving forum

Thank you for the reply. The issue with the "style" of the site had to do with the name server not quite transferred.  So the site looks correct.

However, the big issue I am having is moving the data.  In working with my new host, I am trying to transfer the SQL data from a 4.0 SQL database and import into a SQL 5.0 database.  We were able to import the data into an older 4.0 server, but there are errors in going from 4.0 to 5.0.  Are you aware of any issues in importing from SQL 4.0 to SQL 5.0?

Also, do I need to recreate the list of forums? I copied the Forums from one server to the other but the list of forum areas is missing.  Is that contained in the database?

Thank you again for all of the help!!

Re: Trouble moving forum

What errors are you getting?
And yes, the forums, topics, posts, etc are in the database.