Topic: Google Maps and Css
OK so im trying to remake the User maps into a extension for 1.3. Iv got it prety much all down cept for the map that shows all users. When i open the lil bubble for user info i get a lot of extra padding at the bottom, and i think its got something to do with punbb's css. Can anyone help track down this bug?
I think the below pictures will help explain my problem.
The Left one is with the board styles on
The Right one is with the board styles off.
and this is the html code i use in those bubbles
'<div class="user">'+
'<h4 class="user-ident">'+avatar+'<strong class="username"><a href="<?php echo $base_url?>/profile.php?id='+markers[i].getAttribute("id")+'">'+markers[i].getAttribute("username")+'<\/a><\/strong><\/h4>'+
'<ul class="user-info">'+
'<li class="title"><span><strong><?php echo $lang_profile['Title']?><\/strong> '+markers[i].getAttribute("title")+'<\/span><\/li>'+
'<li><span><strong><?php echo $lang_profile['From']?><\/strong> '+markers[i].getAttribute("location")+'<\/span><\/li>'+
'<li><span><strong><?php echo $lang_profile['Registered']?><\/strong> '+markers[i].getAttribute("registered")+'<\/span><\/li>'+
'<li><span><strong><?php echo $lang_profile['Posts']?><\/strong> '+markers[i].getAttribute("posts")+'<\/span><\/li>'