1 (edited by flames 2008-04-04 18:18)

Topic: Any idea why one edge is not displaying right in IE but is ok in FF?

Hi everyone,

I have been working on giving this forum (my friend's) a better look.

PunBB is 1.2.17 and I installed the SamuiRed skin for 1.2 by Blaux from PunRes.org. I made a lot of edits in the php and even added a line in base.css. I have been working all this while with previews in Firefox and have been extremely happy with the results. My friend takes one look with IE and the right bottom corner is horribly mixed up. The skin as such is previewing perfectly in IE: http://www.punres.org/viewtopic.php?id=3715

I would hate to start all over again for the changes. Would anyone like to hazard a guess as to where exactly I would have messed up to cause such an horrible defect?

Thanks in advance!


Re: Any idea why one edge is not displaying right in IE but is ok in FF?

It would appear to be #brdfooter. I think the negative left margin is dragging the div to the left in IE. Have you tried #brdfooter {position: relative}. What I'm looking for is any difference between your site and the preview.

3 (edited by flames 2008-04-04 18:19)

Re: Any idea why one edge is not displaying right in IE but is ok in FF?


I just changed the position to relative in base.css and this is what I have gotten: no change in FF but more spacing plus the border problem in IE.

I replaced the original skin files (img and style) and also tried replacing the modified footer.php with the original footer.php but the error in IE persists. sad What else could be wrong?



Re: Any idea why one edge is not displaying right in IE but is ok in FF?

IE seems to be miscalculating widths. One reason could be that you seem to have two sets of <head> tags which is not allowed and something before the doctype declaration which again is wrong. I'm wondering if thats thrwoing IE into quirks mode.

EDIT: I just checked and even Firefox is rendering the page in quirks mode and some of hte pages don't look right. Get rid of everything before the DocType declaration and see if that helps.

Re: Any idea why one edge is not displaying right in IE but is ok in FF?

Hi Paul,

I moved the call for favicon.ico down below the doctype declaration and it worked flawlessly! Thank you so very much! That was really really helpful. I can't thank you enough!

Have a wonderful day! smile