Topic: install.php doing nothing


I downloaded version 1.2.17 of PunBB and I installed and configured everything without problems on my PC (running XAMPP instalation of Apache and MySql).

Then I wanted to put forum to my real site (www.spordia.eu) but I was not able to install PunBB there.

Starting install.php creates just empty web page looking like this:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"></HEAD>

Could this be because I don't have enough PHP privileges provided by hosting company? I would expect some note from install.php in such case and not just blank page... (hovever I asked for "upgrated version" of php from them)


Re: install.php doing nothing

does your hosting company allow you to run php?


Re: install.php doing nothing

Sure. I am doing whole site in php.
But they have 3 different levels of PHP privileges and to be able to use some "dangerous" functions I have to ask for update to higher version. I did that but I think install.php would run also with basic php or at least write somethig else then blank page.

Re: install.php doing nothing

"upgraded version"? This sounds like some silly thing made up by your host. We would have to know what the differences between the "versions" are to figure out why it's not working like that (if it's generating a page like that your host is doing something, not PunBB).