Topic: .htaccess & punbb -> HTTP_REFERER
I've installed punBB in a subdir of my web top level dir. I installed it as punBB/ (our administration policy is to install all CMSs in their own subdir, using their own name)
But I'd like to change the url used by the users to something like forum/ using .htaccess. I used a fairly simple rewrite:
#Note: Trailing Slash problem due to forum not being a filesystem file or dir.
RewriteRule ^forum$ [L,R]
RewriteRule ^forum/(.*)$ punBB/$1 [PT,L,QSA]
It works fine for use in a forum, but gets a HTTP_REFERER when I save my options in the admin pages.
I tried changing the Base URL as suggested in the sticky for this forum, but it did not solve the problem.
Does punBB work well with .htaccess files? Should the Base URL setting in admin->options be the punBB/ dir or the rewritten dir (forum/)?