1 (edited by mixart 2008-05-31 11:12)

Topic: Any benefit in removing unwanted fields in user table?

There are many fields in my user table that I don't use, mostly the IM fields but also a few others - MSN, AIM, JABBER (who uses jabber any more haha), etc.

I've also modified my UI to hide these fields wherever they exist and also modified my queries to never select them.

My question is, is there any performance benefit in me deleting them to reduce my database field count, size, etc.
Also - would deleting these fields make future punbb updates difficult? I know updates will always be a pain for me anyway since I have a highly custom modded forum.


Re: Any benefit in removing unwanted fields in user table?

The downside is that it makes upgrades difficult, and I don't see any benefits.

Re: Any benefit in removing unwanted fields in user table?

tbh, its unlikely the 1.2 branch will change much and by the sounds of it you'll be editing files manually to upgrade anyway, so i don't think thats much of an issue, I doubt you've got much of a speed/space benefit though.