Topic: Stopping Unverified users posting

I have looked through the posts and can nothing but apologies if  I have missed it. I am getting porn postings by Users. I ban them but next day there re more postings. I have put censoring on to ban certain words and www type addres's etc so the postings appear nonsensical, but still they continue. How can I force verification before allowing posting. I am running 1.1.5

Re: Stopping Unverified users posting

Upgrade to the latest version first off. Then look into some spam prevention mods like CAPTCHA or something like that.

FluxBB - Less is more

3 (edited by sirena 2008-05-31 20:21)

Re: Stopping Unverified users posting

I'd suggest starting your anti-spam efforts with something simple, like the simple 'human test' mod linked below.

or the similar but more sophisticated human test mod by Jacky available here:

and discussed here:
and … mod_punbb/

Both mods VERY easy to install.

Then add extra measures like for example a graphical CAPTCHA if the pain persists. has tons of Pun anti-spam tools for you to choose from.

Re: Stopping Unverified users posting

Many Thanks...highly appreciated...time for me to scrape the rust of my "coding fingers" and see what the above can do

Re: Stopping Unverified users posting

Probably not much since most if not all of those mods were built for a more current version of PunBB. Updating to 1.2.17 would be the best thing to do first.

FluxBB - Less is more

Re: Stopping Unverified users posting

Have no fear I was going to upgrade first!