Topic: Posts go to blank page

No matter how I try to post a message, I get a blank page and the post is never stored. Something went wrong, definitely, about May when all posting to my forums stopped.

If there is a simple fix, I'll be thrilled. I'd like to get things back to working order.

- C. S. Wyatt


Re: Posts go to blank page

What alterations had you made just before the problem appeared? What is being logged, (with regards to PHP), in your httpd logs when you try to post?

Re: Posts go to blank page

It's a hosted site, but nothing changed recently. I don't play with the PunBB code because I simply don't have the time or energy. I've had it up and running since early 2006, I think. The edits I make are to raw HTML pages in other directories.

I checked -- I only have FTP access to /html/ on this particular server. Since it is mainly a static-text site, not really an issue most of the time. I'm trying to see if I can get around the limitations of my hosting service, but I doubt it.

Re: Posts go to blank page

I did get to the following using an FTP client:

Mon Jun 16 08:08:47 2008 error client  File does not exist: /home/cust1/user1069267/html/forums/post.php, referer:
Mon Jun 16 08:08:49 2008 error client  File does not exist: /home/cust1/user1069267/html/forums/post.php, referer:

The implication is that "post.php" has a problem.

Re: Posts go to blank page

Found another strange error in the log I can access:

Mon Jun 16 13:25:18 2008 error client Allowed memory size of 9439408 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4065280 bytes), referer:


Re: Posts go to blank page

I'd personally suggest having a word with your host. Sounds like you have multiple issues there.

Re: Posts go to blank page

Oddly, the only thing affected is PunBB. Various other PHP and Perl scripts run without any problem. I run a Drupal CMS system on the same hosting service, with no issues. The PunBB oddness does surprise me, since it was stable for several years. Only posting messages has issues -- not a single other aspect of PunBB. Weird.

Re: Posts go to blank page

I ended up dumping the database and starting over... it was time to clean house, anyway.

A clean reinstall solved the issue. That's good enough for now. I wish I had time to trace down what "post.php" could have been doing, but even FTP'ing a new copy to the server didn't help.

That's life, sometimes.