1 (edited by FireWolf 2008-07-21 22:39)

Topic: Migration strategy

Hello everyone,

Looking at the horrible performance of the actual hoster, I'm being somehow forced to switch for a new one.
Actually I'm looking for your advices on good strategy for a smooth migration process.
The current installation is a 1.2.15
The current MySQL version is 5.0.41

The future install: to be decided
The future MySQL version is 4.0.24 (yes I know it's an old version but that's what I'm being served with)

What do u think the best choice would be to migrate:
1. Upgrade the old install to 1.2.19 -> install the Database Management plugin -> Export data: install the new  instance of 1.2.19 on Host2 ->  install the Database Management plugin -> Import data

2. At the actual install 1.2.15 -> install the Database Management plugin -> Export data: install the new  instance of 1.2.19 on Host2 ->  install the Database Management plugin -> Import data
Don't know if this is possible as I don't know if the database structure has changed from 1.2.15 to 1.2.19

3.Move the old files via FTP the Host2 -> Export Database from MySQL5.0.41 to MySQL 4.0.24 in MYSQL4 comptibility mode ->Import sql in the new database.
The last thing I would like to do. Previous imports from mysql5 to 4 has always been a desaster

Am I looking at the right steps ?

Thanks a bunch for your input

Re: Migration strategy

And after this: upgrade the old install to 1.2.19.

Nevertheless, I'd recommend you to think about switching to other hoster until its too late again.
Send these links to your MySQL 4.0 hoster:
* http://www.mysql.com/about/legal/lifecycle/#calendar
* http://downloads.mysql.com/archives.php

Carpe diem

3 (edited by FireWolf 2008-07-22 10:16)

Re: Migration strategy

ok little head up.

I managed to migrate the BDD without much problems so please disregard my previous message.

I'm testing now the functionalities one by one to make sure everything is fully working and the first problem just raised the head.
When using the email password recovery function, the user receives a "non rendered" email where the tags supposed to contain the details are in their "raw" form. Example:

- the mail subject is int the form <mail_subject>
- the content is like <sender> of <board_title> .........
- Content of the message:

Any idea why this is happening ?


EDIT: Thx a lot for your reply Anatoly. It came in while I was replying. Yeah you're right MySQL 4 sux big time, but right now I'm doing this migration as part of a voulontary job for an association in which I'm a member. Needles to say they have no means and no will to get a proper host so I have to work under the actual conditions roll

Re: Migration strategy

FireWolf wrote:

When using the email password recovery function, the user receives a "non rendered" email where the tags supposed to contain the details are in their "raw" form. Example:

- the mail subject is int the form <mail_subject>
- the content is like <sender> of <board_title> .........
- Contenu du message:

Any idea why this is happening?

PunBB 1.2.19?

Carpe diem

Re: Migration strategy

Anatoly wrote:

PunBB 1.2.19?

nope still at 1.2.15.
I'm trying to avoid an upgrade to 1.2.19 before everything works fine with the actual version.

6 (edited by FireWolf 2008-07-22 11:50)

Re: Migration strategy

well I think i'll make an update to 1.2.19 and see if that corrects the problem.

Can I jump directly to 1.2.19 or I have to go through and upgrade each version:  1.2.15 -> 1.2.16 -> 1.2.17 -> etc... ?

Regarding this:

# Copy/upload the script 12_to_1216_update.php from the directory extras/ to the forum root directory and run it through your browser.

If my forum is in www.mydomain.com/forum the file should be placed in /forum or the parent dir (website root in my case) ?
English isn't my native language so i just want to be 100% sure before starting wink

Re: Migration strategy

FireWolf wrote:

nope still at 1.2.15.
I'm trying to avoid an upgrade to 1.2.19 before everything works fine with the actual version.

Nevertheless, upgradeto 1.2.19 should not affect your issue.

FireWolf wrote:

Can I jump directly to 1.2.19 or I have to go through and upgrade each version:  1.2.15 -> 1.2.16 -> 1.2.17 -> etc... ?

1. Dump old forum files and DB.
2.a. If forum is not modded: download and put 1.2.19 in place of your old installation, set up access modes for /cache and /img/avatars, copy old config, remove install.php.
2.b. If forum is modded: apply all patches 1.2.15 -> 1.2.16 -> 1.2.17 -> 1.2.19.
3. Put 12_to_1219_update.php to your forum root dir, i.e. www.mydomain.com/forum/12_to_1219_update.php in your case. Run it. Remove it when done.

Carpe diem

Re: Migration strategy

Hello again,

Thank your for the hints Anatoly. The upgrade (2a) went smoothly and with no problems.

However, the issue with the faulty password recovery email (3rd post from the top) is still present. On the other hand the welcome email for account creation, is received in good and due form roll
Any idea where I should start looking ?

One last thing; what should be the default dirs and files chmod  ? Actually I have 755 for dirs and 644 for files.


Re: Migration strategy

FireWolf wrote:

On the other hand the welcome email for account creation, is received in good and due form roll
Any idea where I should start looking ?

One last thing; what should be the default dirs and files chmod  ? Actually I have 755 for dirs and 644 for files.

These modes are OK.

I have no idea of your mail issue.
Try to do fresh install nearby and check it there. We'll know whether this is really forum's configure issue then.

Carpe diem

Re: Migration strategy

Ok after several trials, fresh installs, db exports and imports, I concluded that I was wasting time trying to solve the problem. I just started from a fresh install and inserted manually the data table by table from the old db.

Everything works fine now. Thx Anatoly for your thoughts and help. Please consider this topic closed