Topic: Confused -- PunBB, FluxBB
I'm new around here. I guess I'm confused on which to go with -- FluxBB or PunBB. I thought I read that PunBB was stalled and FluxBB was a fork with most of the original developers. But then when I found that the very latest Flux 1.3 Beta 2 didn't have Private Messages, nor a working beta mod, I had to look elsewhere. So I downloaded the PunBB 1.3 RC and got the pun_pm mod working just fine with it. I also noticed that the files inside were updated very recently. To me, that doesn't sound like PunBB is being pushed aside for Flux -- that sounds like more active development on PunBB than Flux.
And PM is a really important thing for me -- my client had this as a request on a proposal, and originally I used phpBB for that very reason. But then as I got used to phpBB and learned how aggravating it was to theme and build my own components for, I had to look elsewhere. I wanted something more recent, so I dropped the idea of SMF. So that's when I noticed on that a guy recently posted a message there that he liked PunBB. I gave it a shot, and I compared it to SMF, and I liked it's look a lot more.
So, there's still active development on PunBB, right?