Topic: simplest pun or punBB

I am new to punBB. Let me say first, how refreshing to have a pleasing interface in a forum. No one needs more than 150K. In fact, it should be illegal. And to offer less than 150 K is downright UnAmerican (I should know).

Here is my question. Can someone tell me what the most basic, most stripped down version of pun is? I am making a message board (or forum), and I want it to be as basic as possible. Absolutely nothing more than a series of series of messages (arranged in a nice cobalt background, of course). For example, I would like there to be no registration at all, just people signing their names or initials at the bottom of their messages. This is probably not possible, but whatever the simplest pun version is, I want it.

May the Tzar reign again soon. I mean that in all seriousness.

If anyone helps me, I promise to send back a message filled with happy smileys.

Re: simplest pun or punBB

PunBB 1.2.20 is the simplest of all the current versions of PunBB.
Just disable everything you do not need.

Carpe diem

Re: simplest pun or punBB

smile Thank you much. smile

Re: simplest pun or punBB

tdrinker wrote:

smile Thank you much. smile

Two smiles only: heh... looks like I din't help you much tongue

BTW, I'd appreciate if you make some list of the features you (personally) do not need in the PunBB core. We'll consider moving them out to the extensions.

Carpe diem

Re: simplest pun or punBB

I will post a list of all the features I do not use in 1.2.20. Registration is actually nice, now that I think of it. First I will have to figure out how to get the 1.2.20 download on to my website at I have only basic computer literacy... this will be a real challenge.

Long live the Orthodox Tsar!