1 (edited by Olli 2008-11-09 07:43)

Topic: [Need Help] Finnish Language Pack // Suomenkielinen kielitiedosto

Suomeksi jäljempänä.
Now I am completed my Finnish translation of PunBB 1.3. That's hard work, but it doesn't work at all hmm. When I am accessing to homepage, it doesn't show the categories. Sure, I have categories. And when I am accessing adminpanel, it doesn't show the contents of the page. What is wrong? Please, test it, and say, whats wrong.

   Finnish Language Pack BETA

Download faster (I am not sure, does this work):
  Finnish Language Pack BETA Fast

   Demo of Finnish PunBB 1.3


Nyt olen saanut suomenkielisen käännöksen PunBB 1.3:sta valmiiksi. Se oli kova työ, mutta ei toimi kuitenkaan kunnolla hmm. Kun siirryn etusivulle, se ei näytä kategorioita. Varmasti, minulla on kategorioita. Jos kun siirryn ylläpitopaneeliin, se ei näytä sivun sisältöä. Mikä on väärin? Testaa sitä, ja sano, mikä on väärin.

   Suomenkielinen kielitiedosto BETA

Lataa nopeammin (en ole varma, toimiiko tämä):
  Suomenkielinen kielitiedosto BETA Nopea

   Testiversio suomenkielisestä PunBB 1.3:sta


2 (edited by Olli 2008-11-09 09:17)

Re: [Need Help] Finnish Language Pack // Suomenkielinen kielitiedosto

And! Adminpanel encoding is wrong it should be ISO-8859-1 but if i switch ISO-8859-1 in my Browser, the navigation doesnt view Correctly.

Re: [Need Help] Finnish Language Pack // Suomenkielinen kielitiedosto

Olli wrote:

And! Adminpanel encoding is wrong it should be ISO-8859-1 but if i switch ISO-8859-1 in my Browser, the navigation doesnt view Correctly.

All the PunBB 1.3 files should use UTF-8 only (though the page looks similar to ASCII coding when there are no non-ASCII characters). Please, point the files using any other encoding: they need to be fixed.

Carpe diem


Re: [Need Help] Finnish Language Pack // Suomenkielinen kielitiedosto

Is this reason too for that some content doesnt display ?
Howto I can convert they quickly and if i convert them does Ä and Ö converting to ä ö ?

Re: [Need Help] Finnish Language Pack // Suomenkielinen kielitiedosto

You should not do any special (manual) conversions.
Just configure your text editor to use UTF-8.

Take a look at the source of this page. Your "Ä" and "Ö" are absolutely OK, because

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
Carpe diem


Re: [Need Help] Finnish Language Pack // Suomenkielinen kielitiedosto

Ok but I am translated all strings now and do i have to convert all files back to utf-8  I am using TextPad 4

And what about:

Is this reason too for that some content doesnt display ?

Re: [Need Help] Finnish Language Pack // Suomenkielinen kielitiedosto

Olli wrote:

Ok but I am translated all strings now and do i have to convert all files back to utf-8  I am using TextPad 4

I don't know about TextPad 4, but usually you must set the encoding you need and save the document. It must be converted then.
BTW, I use Komodo Edit.

Olli wrote:

And what about:

Is this reason too for that some content doesnt display ?

Maybe :-)

Carpe diem


Re: [Need Help] Finnish Language Pack // Suomenkielinen kielitiedosto

So i open all the files again and save again?

Re: [Need Help] Finnish Language Pack // Suomenkielinen kielitiedosto

Olli wrote:

So i open all the files again and save again?

1. open
2. set encoding to UTF-8
3. save, close

Try with the problem-file firstly and check the result.

Carpe diem


Re: [Need Help] Finnish Language Pack // Suomenkielinen kielitiedosto

Fixed & langpack Ok. Have to only convert email templates. I release later.

Please, close this.

11 (edited by Anatoly 2008-11-09 16:02)

Re: [Need Help] Finnish Language Pack // Suomenkielinen kielitiedosto

Please, update the link in the http://punbb.informer.com/wiki/punbb13/ … evelopment when you will publish the release.
BTW, you may upload the lang-archive to the wiki.

Please, note: PunBB 1.3 final will slightly differ from 1.3 RC2. See Trac log.

Carpe diem