Steps to getting PunBB 1.3 to work on SF.net without altering a single file:
1) Figure out how to connect to your webspace (read up on SF.net's documentation on the matter) and create a folder in your 'htdocs' and 'persistent' directories for where you want to install punbb. I chose 'forum' for both.
2) Connect to the phpmyadmin interface and create a blank database. You will need to read up on the procedure using SF.net's documentation on the matter. REMEMBER THE NAME OF THE DATABASE YOU CREATE AND THE PREFIX ALL YOUR DATABASES WILL HAVE
3) Upload punbb's files to your SF.net webspace as directed here:
'cache' directory and files = persistent/forum/cache
'img/avatars' directory and files = persistent/forum/img/avatars
all other files and folders = htdocs/forum
NOTE1 : .htaccess files won't upload automatically if your filepath in the put command uses a wildcard (ex - put cache/*) . Remember to upload them specifically with a direct path (ex - put cache/.htaccess)
NOTE 2: I created a number of blank files and uploaded them to the 'persistent/forum/cache' directory. I didn't bother checking if they would be made automatically by punbb once permissions are changed (they should but I didn't test it). The blank files you will upload to the 'persistent/cache' directory will be named:
4) Create these symlinks (alter the code to match your project):
symlink /home/groups/m/my/myproject/persistent/forum/cache /home/groups/m/my/myproject/htdocs/forum/cache
symlink /home/groups/m/my/myproject/persistent/forum/img/avatars /home/groups/m/my/myproject/htdocs/forum/img/avatars
NOTE: The actual 'cache' and 'img/avatars/ directory SHOULD NOT exist in the 'htdocs' section. If you accidentally uploaded them to 'htdocs/forum' then delete them before making the symlinks and double check if they are in the 'persistent/forum' area as this tutorial demonstrates.
5) Change the permissions of the 'cache' and 'img/avatars' folders and their contents to 0777
chmod 0777 foldername/filename
NOTE: You may have to chmod the symlinks as well as the 'persistent/forum' and 'persistent/forum/img' directories. I'm too lazy to check if this is what made the forum finally work.
6) Go to http://yourproject.sourceforge.net/foru … nstall.php and begin the installation process. Input the correct values in the correct blanks and upload the config.php file to your root directory when asked. PunBB 1.3 should install flawlessly (and it is about time too).
I hope I took correct notes. Can someone who has a minute check my procedure for errors if they have a few minutes?