1 (edited by bumblebee 2008-11-25 10:22)

Topic: Problems After Install

I just did a fresh install of the latest punbb 1.3 and follwed the install process how it is meant to be.

So at the end it said you can now view your forum by goign to the index page.

Went to it and i got

Your PunBB database is out-of-date and must be upgraded in order to continue. Please run db_update.php in order to complete the upgrade process.

So i clicked on the db_update.php thinking that it wouldn't do anythign and from what i can tell it didnt. All i got was

Your database is already as up-to-date as this script can make it.

And all it does is go round in circles.

Any ideas what to do.


Re: Problems After Install

What database type are you using?

Re: Problems After Install

MySQL Standard

Re: Problems After Install

Do you have an option to select MySQL Improved?

Re: Problems After Install

just tried that aswell and i get the same thing

Re: Problems After Install

Try remove all the files and databases you have created for this. Download 1.3.1 and create a new database and try that.

Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.

Re: Problems After Install

Make sure the permission for the cache directory is 777 and it contains no *.php files after uploading a fresh version.