Topic: CSS issues

I've been fighting to integrate PunBB into my site heavilly editing the CSS and it doesn't help that this is my first time using PunBB. I'm about to bust brains, once I get something looking pretty something else is the problem. I'm tired so on with my problem.[/rant]

I'm 99% satisfied with the way the forum looks but for some strange reason this is happening in Firefox:

I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could point me to the right direction and/or provide tips for improvement. Here's the link to the forum:

CSS aside, PunBB is uber awesome. And don't mind my ranting, it's the lack of sleep typing.

Re: CSS issues

At the black background, I can't see what is wrong. Can you describe your problem?

Re: CSS issues

Looks fine in ff3 now?

Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.

Re: CSS issues

Why did you hide the "Powered by PunBB" link?

FluxBB - v1.4.8

Re: CSS issues

My mistake, the problem isn't in FF, it's IE6. The glitch came to my attention by someone else (he sent me the screenshot).

lie2815 wrote:

Why did you hide the "Powered by PunBB" link?

I didn't like the placing so I changed it to the footer but forgot to overwrite the file on the server, thank you for noticing, many details are easily overlooked when sleep deprived.