Thanks all for the positive feedbacks
Regarding comments/requests:
Own page: not yet, it is rather complicated and not my priority.
Message/User color: adding a per-user color is too complicated and would require to store it somewhere. Would also create problems on big forums (how to make 1000 different colors). However I'm planning to modify a bit message template to allow alternate colors and colouring of specific users based on name.
Is there a flood limit? you cant post a message while one is bein sent and you cant reposte twice the same message. Except that there is no message-per-unit-of-time limit.
There is no submit button (I know you can just press enter, but some users might not know that). Right, can add one it doesnt cost much.
The error message should disappear after some time. You can make it disapear by clicking it. I'm not sure about timing it, what if someone miss it due to the timer ?
Are the forum censoring rules applied to the messages? No, word censoring could be applied easily I think.
A "No messages" note would be nice. there's one... but its a bit bugged, will be corrected.
Let admins ban some people from the chat. Wont do that. First because its rather heavy and complicated, second because the forum has a ban system that works perfectly.