Topic: Adding Image(s) To Navlinks
17-12-2008 … inks-beta/
is where the extension I made (with help from garciat obviously) can be found to download.
I'd like to add an image to navlinks either next to or replacing text login (as example - then I can do the rest hopefully)
in include/functions.php 1.3.2 line 436
$links['login'] = '<li id="navlogin"'.((FORUM_PAGE == 'login') ? ' class="isactive"' : '').'><a href="'.forum_link($forum_url['login']).'"><span>'.$lang_common['Login'].'</span></a></li>';
how must I do that?
how would I use the hook fn_generate_navlinks_start [line 417] to echo the image [assuming location img/navlogon.png] if I were to write an extension (which I'd like to]
My intentions:
1. To be able to click the image as a link [login in this example] instead of having text and/or
2. Have an image next to text (say an image of a key next to login text)