Topic: Integration to PhpFreechat - Retrieving Cookie From PunBB Fail
Hello all,
i would like to know how to retrieve cookie to get username in pubbb 1.3.
Prior to punBB 1.3, we normally use the following code to integrate with phpfreechat
1. session_start();
2. if (!isset($_SESSION['punbb_to_pfc_nickname']))
3. {
4. define('PUN_ROOT', dirname(__FILE__).'/forum/'); // adjust this path to your forum installation root
5. require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';
6. $userdata = array();
7. check_cookie($userdata);
8. if ($userdata['username'] == 'Guest')
9. $userdata['username'] .= rand(1,1000); // generate a random guest username
10. $_SESSION['punbb_to_pfc_nickname'] = $userdata['username'];
11. }
Our problem/error is on line 7. check_cookie($userdata); -function check_cookie not exist in PunBB 1.3
Any advice on how to continue this integration ?