ok that's cool.
now a bit of trouble I see with that data - from a user perspective
c. there are loads of different levels of testing on the extensions.... (1.0 SVN, 1.3 SVN, 1.3 Beta, 1.3dev
b. several version number formats (0.9a, 1.0b.1, 1.0, 1.0.0 Beta, 0.5a)
Don't you think the directory should contain what works on latest version. I was thinking this directory would be main landing point for someone new, who has DL latest official version.
Should for next versions
- add date of current release
- link to devs page or
- link to devs documentation thread/post ?
be included in the manifest.xml requirements?
looking at that php output - it just seems like it needs human filtering before putting in directory?
just some thoughts...