1 (edited by Melies 2009-01-19 19:12)

Topic: [Fixed]ie7 / ie6.css new Style problem


iam creating a custom style for my guild we did until there pretty good and adapted an old style from 1.2. Everything scale perfectly and is in place but we are quite disapointed to see that the site works and scale perfectly just under Firefox. We have no idea how we could do and with wich command (yeah i am not the programer) we should use to make the forum tables not scale to the resolution like on Internet Explorer and stay like on Firefox at 1100 px.

You can take a look at the style problem here: discordia.sharpclan.net

We think its really just one or two command to modify in the ie6 and ie7.css but we got no clue where. Some help would be greatly appreciate. Best regards Melies

Re: [Fixed]ie7 / ie6.css new Style problem

I know it wont fix it, but try get your CSS to be valid: http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/vali … lan.net%2F

I would look at the code to center the forum on a fresh install , and look at yours and see what the difference is.

Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.

3 (edited by Melies 2009-01-18 22:12)

Re: [Fixed]ie7 / ie6.css new Style problem


first of we modified the base theme to create our new one, we didnt edit the 2 files ie6 / ie7.css and we took the one that come with the style. With the default style it resize perfectly on ie and firefox. Iam gonna test the css check for our style cs.css that we of course modified for our new theme.

Is there anyone that develop skins around, we could share the style in exchange of some help on this wink

4 (edited by KeyDog 2009-01-19 00:00)

Re: [Fixed]ie7 / ie6.css new Style problem

pretty cool! like the skunk discordia smile
nice to see people doing styles like that

EDIT: looks good in most recent chrome and firefox. that's where browsing is going. nevermind ie6 tongue

5 (edited by Melies 2009-01-19 00:13)

Re: [Fixed]ie7 / ie6.css new Style problem

Heyah thanks a lot for the compliments KeyDog * blush * but most of the work is punbb team and the first creator of the skin we just re created it. wink

We looked into the css errors, edited the css to remove them but it didnt change anything like you said.

I saw the post here http://punbb.informer.com/forums/topic/ … -with-ie7/

I think we got a really problem close to the one Garcia fixed.

This is a link to to the css:

http://discordia.sharpclan.net/style/Ox … gen_cs.css
http://discordia.sharpclan.net/style/Ox … en_ie6.css
http://discordia.sharpclan.net/style/Ox … en_ie7.css

Re: [Fixed]ie7 / ie6.css new Style problem

I got your email (twice), so I'm gonna help you out. So far, I understood that you want to page to have a static width of 1100px. Is that right?

7 (edited by Melies 2009-01-19 00:59)

Re: [Fixed]ie7 / ie6.css new Style problem

Heyah Garcia sorry for the email in double but my first attempt finished on a white page so i wasnt sure it was send. I apologize for that. wink

Yes i want the block to be 1100px (if its this size on firefox but i think it is 1100 max 700 min by default), i want the topic blocks to not stretch and if possible to stay between the 2 bars of the background. I want the same comportment on ie and firefox or something close to it. You can really see the bug when you resize the window on ie.

I really hope iam clear, thanks a lot for the help!


Re: [Fixed]ie7 / ie6.css new Style problem

Garciat wrote:

you want to page to have a static width of 1100px.

Why the hell would someone consider doing that is beyond me. They may as well just put a sign on the site telling half the people that visit to f*** off, 'cos that's how annoying that will be. Scrollbar hell.

9 (edited by Melies 2009-01-19 01:59)

Re: [Fixed]ie7 / ie6.css new Style problem

wow MattF, i know for you iam just a random a noob and a simple user of punBB. Of course iam a beginner, but i came here "in peace", explained as good as possible my problem and i will stay friendly and polite regardless to your comportment.

I dont think you even take a look at my problem, its not as simple as you think or i hope its not. The width is already set to 1100 px, but its not showing properly on ie but just on Firefox.

I dont know if its the policy of punBB to be just for the nerds and to disrespect the noobs, newcomers or whatever you call them.


Re: [Fixed]ie7 / ie6.css new Style problem

I have to go right now, I'll see what I can do tomorrow. Sorry.


Re: [Fixed]ie7 / ie6.css new Style problem

Np mate thanks a lot for everything, and sorry to disturb you with my problems. I ll check that topic again tomorrow then. roll

12 (edited by MattF 2009-01-19 02:32)

Re: [Fixed]ie7 / ie6.css new Style problem

Melies wrote:

wow MattF, i know for you iam just a random a noob and a simple user of punBB. Of course iam a beginner, but i came here "in peace", explained as good as possible my problem and i will stay friendly and polite regardless to your comportment.

I dont think you even take a look at my problem, its not as simple as you think or i hope its not. The width is already set to 1100 px, but its not showing properly on ie but just on Firefox.

I dont know if its the policy of punBB to be just for the nerds and to disrespect the noobs, newcomers or whatever you call them.

It's absolutely nothing to do with anyones status. This is simply down to the point of: have you ever tried viewing a high fixed width site if you have a monitor resolution of, for example, 800x600? Seriously, you may as well just put that sign up as I mentioned above, on your site, because that really is how annoying tricks like that are.

What you think is the optimal width is not what other people may think is the optimal width. Having to scroll across a page because someone has designed a site while they were running a screen res of 1024 or above and decided to fix the width based on that opinion is literally asking people to leave. Hell, whilst you're at it, why don't you make your site I.E specific too.

It never was, and still isn't, a personal dig at yourself. It is, however, a very blunt dig at people who do tricks like the above. There is neither reason nor need to do such tricks.

Edit: As I mentioned, don't take it personally. I merely suffer from a subtlety and tact deficiency. big_smile

13 (edited by Melies 2009-01-19 02:54)

Re: [Fixed]ie7 / ie6.css new Style problem

I really dont know if you get my problem. Did you open the page with internet explorer? Its not just a width problem its the all board that is moving when you resize your screen on it. I dont use ie and i will never use it, but since its a guild forum i dont think just for myself. To make it more simple: board broken on ie, working fine on chrome / firefox.

To be honnest you should blame ie for this, or us for not knowing how to code in css for it, but you talk of a problem you dont even know: we didnt choose to fix the width it is already by default. Its not working on internet explorer and some table if you dig a bit in the forum.

I use a 30 inches monitor because i play mmo, and i totally want people with little monitors to have a nice access to my homepage, and i dont know what make you think that i would not want something optimized for everyone. We are talking about style and css and you quote someone about just a distance and you make a theory around it...

I am trying to give a nice access to ie users and thats all, of course if that should screw the access with firefox i would not accept it.

Whats your point exactly, why is my request not normal ? Do you really understand my problem?

EDIT: we didnt use any trick or fix the size on firefox and we dont want to do it we just want to have the site to show properly (once again). If you edit the oxygen.css provided by default and unmodified you can read min 700 px max 1100 px somewhere thats why i said yes to his question, iam not even sure i understood what he mean but it looks like its the settings on firefox and that its working, but not on ie. And no i dont take it personally. wink


Re: [Fixed]ie7 / ie6.css new Style problem

So you are not wanting to fix the width at 1100px, but rather have a min/max of 700px and 1100px? That's not fixed width. That's limited variable width. big_smile

I've just been to have a peek at your site from a machine that has I.E installed, and it would appear that you are referring to the margins? The fact that the right margin is larger than the left margin in I.E?

15 (edited by Melies 2009-01-19 04:23)

Re: [Fixed]ie7 / ie6.css new Style problem

Wow finally! Yes on ie iam talking of the right margin, all the tables stay stuck to it and when you resize the windows it stretch the right part of the table when you really expanse the windows at a large size. I want it like the normal style of punbb so with min 700 and 1100 max if its the default, and centered (in order to be between the 2 bars that are drawn on the background like on firefox). So that mean the 700 - 1100 limit doesnt work at all on ie, because of that the board looks kind of ugly in low and high resolution.

I really care actually of letting the possibility to everyone to enter. Well i hope at least that gonna help Garciat to understand my problem.

And i never wanted to fix the width but to limit it, maybe i didnt choose correctly my words. I said thou that there was a display problem and that i wanted to fix it, tbh its kind of hard to be really precise about the glitch with simple words.


Re: [Fixed]ie7 / ie6.css new Style problem

Aye, it was a complete misinterpretation. big_smile Can't say what your CSS problem is offhand though. Tried it here with a local version of your CSS file and the devil decided to work, so couldn't do any testing on it as such.


Re: [Fixed]ie7 / ie6.css new Style problem

This might help: http://www.cameronmoll.com/archives/000892.html


Re: [Fixed]ie7 / ie6.css new Style problem

Ok we gonna test this, but it said its for ie6 but i guess its just a detail. What i dont understand is why the homepage you fixed on the other thread doesnt have the same bug than us. Why punBB homepage doesnt have the same bug ?


Re: [Fixed]ie7 / ie6.css new Style problem

Some you change you made created the error. Best thing to do if that doesn't work is create the style all over, trying the page on both browsers after every change you make.


Re: [Fixed]ie7 / ie6.css new Style problem

Ok we gonna look deeper into our own errors. I ll keep this thread up to date just to keep people informed in case someone have the same problems. Thanks a lot for the help and hope we gonna find out. Take care wink


Re: [Fixed]ie7 / ie6.css new Style problem

Ok we found the solution, it seems that something was wrong not with the css but with the php files. We installed the style on a fresh install and everything worked. I think my mate just added in every page a favicon (wich actually was working) and that it caused the error.

So we got our site running, if anyone want the style just contact me on our forum or by pm / email. Thanks a lot Garciat i wouldnt have tested the style once again without your suggestions. Cheers iam so happy, long life to PunBB!