Topic: Itnegration forum with login on my page

I've read I think almost important topics here, but none from here told me what I really have to do to make this working...
I want to integrate login page from my site with my forum...
I know what is being created when person is being logged on my page, I know cookie function of punbb but when I tried to use it doesn't worked.
what should I do , step by step anyone colud tell me, please?

define('PUN_ROOT', './forum/');
define('PUN_QUIET_VISIT', 1);
require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';
 define('PUN_ALLOW_INDEX', 1);
require PUN_ROOT.'include/parser.php';
check_cookie(&$id_user); // I've  tried that in different combinations, id_user its id of user in my web database


Re: Itnegration forum with login on my page

check_cookie(&$id_user); // I've  tried that in different combinations, id_user its id of user in my web database

You don't need to execute that function, just require common.php and then you can use $pun_user variable.

Re: Itnegration forum with login on my page

polish: ok dzięki, choć nie za wiele mi to mówi, jedyne co chcę to stworzyć cookie odpowiedzialny za logowanie punbb i pewnie jeszcze jakaś sesja...i wiem, że ta funkcja check_cookie to robi, dlatego chciałem ją wywołać by stworzyła mi te cookie jednak bez rezultatu... jak inaczej to zrobić??

english: ok, thx, but it still doesn't say enough to me, all I want  is to create a cookie responsible for punbb login stuff and perhaps a some session, I know that check_cookie function do it, thats why I've tried  to recall it , to create a cookie for me, but with no result. how can I do that in different way?

4 (edited by daris 2009-02-11 11:30)

Re: Itnegration forum with login on my page

pl: kiedyś widziałem jak ktoś zrobił plugin do integrujący logowanie wordpressa z punbb, poprostu wyłączył logowanie w punbb (przekierowanie na logowanie do wordpressa) i przy logowaniu na wordpressie tworzył cookie dla punbb
PS. Teraz będzie problem przetłumaczyć to na angielski tongue … on-plugin/

en: some time ago i saw plugin which allows to integrate wordpress and punbb login. Logging in PunBB was disabled (redirect to wordpress login page) and when user is logging on wordpress, it puts punbb cookie

Re: Itnegration forum with login on my page

yea i use that plugin, its working nice. but there isnt any script to convert punbb users db to wordpress db.

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