Thank you for your great work Rich 
I am using your forum_fixes_imgs on a fresh 1.3.2 installation, and it is working almost fine, but I have some little questions. First thing I noticed is that, once the extension is installed and activated, the "[Generated in 0.057 seconds, 7 queries executed ] is not displayed anymore on the bottom of the forum. Is there a way to fix this?
I also have another problem with the extension, I will try to explain it as clear as possible. I'm using a french language, and the status "Online" is replaced by "En ligne" in french.
In Firefox everything works fine:

But Ie doesn't display correctly the "g" in the "En ligne" status:

You see? The g is cutted in the bottom. I checked with Ie6 and Ie7 and there is this bug with both, is there any way to fix it?
Thanks to anyone who can help me fixing those little bugs.