Topic: Error when converting database

When i try and convert my database to use 1.3.2 I get the following error:

An error was encountered

The error occurred on line 388 in /home/anders/Offentligt/hollyforum/include/dblayer/mysqli.php

Database reported: Table 'search_words' is read only (Errno: 1036).

What can I do?

Re: Error when converting database

Did you do something to your MySQL database before converting?

Re: Error when converting database

Slavok wrote:

Did you do something to your MySQL database before converting?

I moved it from 1 hd to another. Thats the reason why im doing this. The old hd was breaking down sad

Re: Error when converting database

Check up:
1) The ownership of the copied files in the data directory;
2) Does your mysql user have insert/update privileges in the database? You can check it with this SQL query:


If everything is ok with the ownership and privileges, maybe the mysql file with data of table has been corrupted. You can fix it with this SQL command.

5 (edited by Anders Bak 2009-03-04 16:18)

Re: Error when converting database

Slavok wrote:

Check up:
1) The ownership of the copied files in the data directory;
2) Does your mysql user have insert/update privileges in the database? You can check it with this SQL query:


If everything is ok with the ownership and privileges, maybe the mysql file with data of table has been corrupted. You can fix it with this SQL command.

I did 'show grants' and got


Is that good?

Have no idea how to use that Repair command sad

Re: Error when converting database

Your privileges seem ok for me.
What is the mode of the mysql data directory?

Re: Error when converting database

Slavok wrote:

Your privileges seem ok for me.
What is the mode of the mysql data directory?


Do you mean ownership?
I did a chmod 0777 on the entire library when I copied it to the new hd.

Re: Error when converting database

Dont exactly know what happened, but it works now smile