Topic: help.php not working

All of the above links draw blanks, but the help.php file is where it should be.

Would anyone be able to suggest what the problem might be?

Thanks, Adam

Re: help.php not working

Still no idea why this is. Anyone?..

Re: help.php not working

Have you tried enabling the debug mode?

Re: help.php not working

Nope, how do I do that?

Re: help.php not working

I dont think debug mode would help.

Try getting a new help.php from out main site and upload it. if that dosnt work, you need to look in your server logs and see what errors are occouring.

Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.

Re: help.php not working

Thanks. I downloaded new .zip, expanded it and FTP'd the new help.php in place of the old, but still the same story..

Re: help.php not working

Looking at server logs now (for the first time..), I see lots of stuff like this, should i be looking for something else? - - [16/Mar/2009:01:34:03 -0700] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 20 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009021910 MRA 5.3 (build 02564) Firefox/3.0.7

Re: help.php not working

Ok, I enabled error logs, tried to load the help.php again, and then checked the log, all it says is

[Mon Mar 16 06:09:00 2009] [error] [client] sh: line 1: /usr/bin/uptime: Permission denied, referer:

Re: help.php not working


Re: help.php not working
still works meaning that the page is loading. It's however strange that when supplying arguments, nothing is outputted.

Perhaps go through the source and echo things at different places to see where it is faulty?