Topic: PunBB "jumps" to the textarea of the username (userlist.php) - change?

Hi there,

When I open the userlist.php to look for the usernames signed to the board the cursor always jumps to the field for the username. Can I change it, so the site's just opening?



Re: PunBB "jumps" to the textarea of the username (userlist.php) - change?

No idea? sad


Re: PunBB "jumps" to the textarea of the username (userlist.php) - change?

Get rid of this line in the source code:

<body onload="document.getElementById('userlist').username.focus()">

Re: PunBB "jumps" to the textarea of the username (userlist.php) - change?

In which file? The "userlist.php" in the main folder has no <body>-tag.


Re: PunBB "jumps" to the textarea of the username (userlist.php) - change?

Templates or includes. I've no idea which, offhand. Use a text search tool to find it.

Re: PunBB "jumps" to the textarea of the username (userlist.php) - change?

It is in header.php.

// START SUBST - <body>
if (isset($focus_element))
    $tpl_main = str_replace('<body onload="', '<body onload="document.getElementById(\''.$focus_element[0].'\').'.$focus_element[1].'.focus();', $tpl_main);
    $tpl_main = str_replace('<body>', '<body onload="document.getElementById(\''.$focus_element[0].'\').'.$focus_element[1].'.focus();">', $tpl_main);
// END SUBST - <body>
If you need any PunBB 1.2.* mods done, feel free to send me a PM; we can work out a price [if need be].

7 (edited by Klappspaten 2009-04-15 15:59)

Re: PunBB "jumps" to the textarea of the username (userlist.php) - change?

And how can I edit it that the function is disabled? Just comment it out?

Re: PunBB "jumps" to the textarea of the username (userlist.php) - change?

Klappspaten wrote:

I searched all template and include files - but there is no line containing this expression.

It is in header.php right under the line:

// START SUBST - <body>
If you need any PunBB 1.2.* mods done, feel free to send me a PM; we can work out a price [if need be].