Topic: [Alpha] PunEdit (wysiwyg) v0.0.1a
Hey there,
I'm currently working on a 'special' WYSIWYG extension for PunBB.. i will call it PunEdit.
It looks a bit like tinyMCE, but it isn't. It will replace the current textarea fields with a nicely developed WYSIWYG editor that's build on the WidgEditor code. Anyway, i had to change a lot of code of that editor, so i might call it just PunEdit. Every composed message will still be stored as BBcode into the database. I decided this because you might want to change (migrate) forum software in the future... (which i wouldn't understand! )
. Goals:
I'll keep you updated in this post as often as possible.
Optional functions (Bold, Italic, Underline, Strike-through, Links, E-mail, Lists, Quote, Code, text-color, text-size, smilies, Youtube).
Live Quoting.. no more quote tags!, just real life quoting
Custom toolbar.. Choose what kind of buttons you want at your chosen fields. (basic, advanced, minimal or your own setup). This can be setup inside a special settings page inside the administration panel. No more coding?
Complete language support
Smilies will be placed at the right side of the editor so you can quick pick one. Smilies will be live converted inside the editor while typing. The 'never show smilies as icons' will also work live inside the editor.. as soon you check it, the smilies will be transformed in plain text.
In the future i will try to add 'pack' support, so we can make our own packs.
You can download this plugin separately from the main (PunEdit) extension, but it will lay on the PunEdit extension.
This ImageManager will go directly underneath the wysiwyg editor field. This takes some pixels in height, but users are able to upload images and click on their uploaded image to put it directly inside the editor. Users who are restricted can still place images using external images, the bar will be less in height, and the url field + 'add' button is still to insert images directly from it.Users do upload to their own directory, so they can pick their already uploaded pictures in the future.
Like the ImageManager, there will be put a new field set beneath it (or, when ImageManager has not been installed beneath the editor field).
Uploaded files will be put in the attachment directory for users. So, in this case, you can bind 'pdf, doc or any other MIME type to a post)
Legend: : Currently working on
: Not working on yet
I think, this will be a great 'attractive' addon.. and punBB will be downloaded twice more
And, to motivate me even more to finish it faster.. here is a hint