Topic: pun_tags does not consider forum permissions.
Again, thanks for this extension.
pun_tags can show post titles from forums which the user does not have access to. To fix this we need to modify the following code in manifest.xml around line 518.
$query = array(
'SELECT' => ' AS tid, t.poster, t.subject, t.first_post_id, t.posted, t.last_post, t.last_post_id, t.last_poster, t.num_replies, t.closed, t.sticky, t.forum_id, f.forum_name',
'FROM' => 'topics AS t',
'JOINS' => array(
'INNER JOIN' => 'forums AS f',
'ON' => ''
'LEFT JOIN' => 'forum_perms AS fp',
'ON' => '( AND fp.group_id='.$forum_user['g_id'].')'
'WHERE' => ' IN('.implode(',', $search_ids).') AND (fp.read_forum IS NULL OR fp.read_forum=1)'
Note the additional join and where clause using forum_perms.
Hope this will be added to the next release.
Warm regards,