Topic: index.php in url

Hi! Im new in punbb. I just installed it and notice that index.php keeps showing when I clicked the title of the forum. Any ideas how to remove it?  Thanks in advance.

-sorry im not good in english-

Re: index.php in url

What notice are you talking about?

Re: index.php in url

I mean  I want my domain  to appear in the address bar like when clicking the index and not How can I change it?

-sorry im not good in english-

Re: index.php in url

The Index link is a link to the Base URL of the forum, which you write on the installation page. So it can't be "". Have you changed any code in the forum's core?

5 (edited by emirie 2009-05-28 03:33)

Re: index.php in url

Slavok wrote:

The Index link is a link to the Base URL of the forum, which you write on the installation page. So it can't be "". Have you changed any code in the forum's core?

Yes I remember, now I tried to reinstalled it again and the forum appears at web address like this: (I renamed punbb-1.3.4 directory w/ forum directory since I want the address of the forum to appear */forum and not */punbb-1.3.4 . Please tell me what to do if this is not adviceable).

My problem now is when I access the page only shows index/ and link to the forum:

Index of /

    * forum/

Help again.  What should I do next to have a page appear on my main domain?

-sorry im not good in english-

Re: index.php in url

To edit the location of the forum you need to change $base_url variable in "<FORUM_ROOT>/config.php".

emirie wrote:

My problem now is when I access the page only shows index/ and link to the forum:

Index of /

    * forum/

Help again.  What should I do next to have a page appear on my main domain?

Is there an index page at

7 (edited by emirie 2009-05-28 11:19)

Re: index.php in url

thanks again for the response, yes I also change the base url of the forum to */ in the config.php

-sorry im not good in english-