Topic: Include punbb into my website

Hello folks,

Thanks for the awesome system in first place.
I want to include the forums into my website. It's almost completed but for some reason the userlist.php and search.php are both stretched over my website. Is it possible to set somewhere a value to just have these 2 files in the correct area.
The website where is this one

thank you guys in advance,



Re: Include punbb into my website

All forum's html elements should be placed in div with id "brd-wrap". As an example, see the HTML code of this page.

Re: Include punbb into my website

I've followed your instructions and its almost working. Everything fit in the correct area now. But for some reason all the graphics are gone. can someone see where the fault is located. I am very new in this kind of things so I very appreciate your help.

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Re: Include punbb into my website

punany wrote:

But for some reason all the graphics are gone.

Do you mean styles of forum?

Re: Include punbb into my website

Yea, for some reason the whole forum syle is messed up as you can see on
I've included all the Div's within the "brd-wrap" but for some reason the punbb graphics are all gone. so its just the text left.
and al i have changed was the main.tpl and its as shown above