1 (edited by DK 2009-06-22 09:37)

Topic: How Do I Prevent Auto-logout???

Hello everyone:

I'm new to Punbb. I would like to ask how to prevent auto logout or at least postpone such behavior, as people may sometimes spend more time typing longer paragraphs.

I think it probably has something to do with sessions, but it doesn't look like Punbb uses php's session handling functions.

Will editing this line work?

in login.php, around line 108

$expire = ($save_pass) ? time() + 1209600 : time() + $forum_config['o_timeout_visit'];

If the above line is not the right place to apply changes, then where should I edit?

Thanks in advance smile

Re: How Do I Prevent Auto-logout???

This line is affecting the expiry time of the forum's cookie. If a user checks "Remember me", the cookie will expire after 14 days, otherwise it will expire after the visit's timeout.

3 (edited by DK 2009-06-22 09:19)

Re: How Do I Prevent Auto-logout???

so it's the wrong place to modify then.

If I want to postpone session timeout, what should I do?

Re: How Do I Prevent Auto-logout???

Go to <FORUM_URL>/admin/settings.php?section=setup and increase visit timeout

5 (edited by DK 2009-06-22 10:05)

Re: How Do I Prevent Auto-logout???
