1 (edited by octavian_3009 2009-07-02 05:06)

Topic: pun_antispam extension problem

I installed the antispam extension without any trouble. For most purposes, it works. However, I soon noticed that the included img tags in manifest.xml have empty alt attributes. When I tried to place text inside of them, it had no effects on the resulting pages. To be sure, I even saved the file as blank, but still, no changes took place. I'm so close to getting my installation to http://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG1AA-Conformance level two accessibility conformance, but I still need the alt attribute to contain something.
Is there a file other than manifest.xml which I need to change?

Re: pun_antispam extension problem

There is the "alt" attribute in the "img" tag in the latest version of pun_antispam in SVN.

3 (edited by octavian_3009 2009-07-05 01:30)

Re: pun_antispam extension problem

I appreciate your response.
When I checked it again moments ago, apparently, it had updated to the way I had intended it to be. Though I'm unsure why it took so long for the changes to take affect, I am happy with the resulting HTML output. Is there a place where PunBB users can submit changes to be looked at and considered for future versions?

Re: pun_antispam extension problem

octavian_3009 wrote:

Is there a place where PunBB users can submit changes to be looked at and considered for future versions?

You can add it to the wiki page of pun_antispam.