Topic: Admin Panel

I figured out how to make the name show on the panel, but when I click it, it goes back to the forums, instead of showing the subcategories of that panel.

If you dont get what Im talking about, go to the admin page and I need help with adding another page to:
Start | Settings | Users | Management | Extensions | Mods

I figured out how to add Mods, but the it doesnt go to the subsection called welcome

Re: Admin Panel

As long as it has the right HREF, it should work.


Re: Admin Panel

            else if (FORUM_PAGE_SECTION == 'mods')
                $forum_page['admin_submenu']['welcome'] = '<li class="'.((FORUM_PAGE == 'admin-welcome') ? 'active' : 'normal').((empty($forum_page['admin_submenu'])) ? ' first-item' : '').'"><a href="'.forum_link($forum_url['admin_welcome']).'">'.$lang_admin_common['Welcome'].'</a></li>';
            $forum_page['admin_menu']['welcome'] = '<li class="'.((FORUM_PAGE_SECTION == 'mods') ? 'active' : 'normal').((empty($forum_page['admin_menu'])) ? ' first-item' : '').'"><a href="'.forum_link($forum_url['admin_welcome']).'"><span>'.$lang_admin_common['Mods'].'</span></a></li>';