Topic: Translate to hebrew ...

my name is daniel, i'm 13 years old and I live in israel .
i be long to a group of people that wants to translate this forums system [punbb]
to hebrew .
we would like to be your represents in israel,
and would be glad to have your consent .

Respectfully yours,
daniel binya. =]

Re: Translate to hebrew ...


I know there's a hewbrew translation for v1.0.* already, don't know if there's one for 1.1.* though (trouble undestanding the language :D)


Re: Translate to hebrew ...

hie, "Chacmool"!
yes, i saw this hebrew translation and the version is 1.0.1...
i would like to translate the new version [1.0.3] i also would
like israelis to have access to to the system .

Re: Translate to hebrew ...

Sure. However, there are no official websites for PunBB other than punbb.org and thus, no one "represents" PunBB in any specific country or language. This doesn't mean that you can't make your own support website in your language.

I do believe there is already a new hebrew language pack under development, but the more the merrier right? :D

Edit. One thing. If you do make a translation, please do it in the form of a language pack. If you translate the scripts directly, I won't put it up for download here on punbb.org because then it will be a separate version.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."


Re: Translate to hebrew ...

hello again
thank's for your answer. I would like to be sure I understood: do you allow me to translate the scripts directly (taking the risk of being a separate version with no possibility of downloading)?

Re: Translate to hebrew ...

Yes, but you don't need my consent. PunBB is released under the GPL, so you can do whatever you want with it as long as you follow the terms of the license. What it basically says is that if you create and distribute your own hebrew version of PunBB, it must also be released under the GPL and anyone will be able to do the same with your version.

What I was trying to say earlier was that I prefer language packs because then people can use the official version of PunBB and aren't dependent on your version. What if you for some reason stop releasing updates for your version when a new version of PunBB is released?

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."


Re: Translate to hebrew ...

HELP!!  I want to find out how to write this in Hebrew

To thy own self be true.

If anyone can be of help I would love it