Topic: User permissions
I have managed to add some basic permissions to punBB by adding an extra column to the users and forums tables called user_level. if($cur_user['user_level']<$user_level (taken from forum database)) then display error. so each column contains the user_level - 0 is lowest, 9 is highest.
however, i have two questions. How can i hide forums from ppl without sufficient permissions on the index page?
Looking at index.php i think i need to change this:
$extra_sql = ($cur_user['status'] < PUN_MOD) ? ' WHERE f.admmod_only=\'0\'' : '';
but how can i add an extra command to that?
How can i hide these forums from the search (i.e. dont display topic names in the search field that people aren't supposed to be able to see)?
No idea how to do this...