Topic: DeBug Help needed?

When I or any users try to log in to the forum the following messeg appears. I cant get into the forums as adminstrator so I cant do anything, even if I understood this?
The website forum is at


An error was encountered


Note: For detailed error information (necessary for troubleshooting), enable "DEBUG mode". To enable "DEBUG mode", open up the file config.php in a text editor, add a line that looks like "define('FORUM_DEBUG', 1);" (without the quotation marks), and re-upload the file. Once you've solved the problem, it is recommended that "DEBUG mode" be turned off again (just remove the line from the file and re-upload it).

Utrinque Paratus

Re: DeBug Help needed?

just add:

define('FORUM_DEBUG', 1);

to config.php and re-upload it again.

After that ty to login and it may tell you what is wrong.

If you do not understand it then, post it here.


Re: DeBug Help needed?

thanks for that. However I cant put it anywhere? The Forum is via a server to which I dont have access. The opening page does not open in the browser so I cant login or get into the admin area to do anything.

Utrinque Paratus

Re: DeBug Help needed?

You have to obtain access to the server (FTP or SSH). Otherwise we will not be able to help you. We don't even know what kind of error you have encountered.


Re: DeBug Help needed?

Thanks Parpalak
I'll see what I can do.

Utrinque Paratus

6 (edited by Huey 2009-10-01 16:51)

Re: DeBug Help needed?

Ive managed to get into the source and the below is a copy. Can anyone help me to ID and  fix the problem

HTML removed to save all the time and effort. Thanks all

Utrinque Paratus

Re: DeBug Help needed?

It's the HTML code generated by forum script. It can't help us to understand what's wrong.

You have to open "config.php" file (via FTP or SSH) and to add there

define('FORUM_DEBUG', 1);

You can ask your hosting provider to help in editing "config.php" file.


Re: DeBug Help needed?

Thanks for that Ill try an get through to them.

Utrinque Paratus

9 (edited by Huey 2009-10-04 20:31)

Re: DeBug Help needed?

WE dont seem to be having any look with this problem. The thing is if someone registers I get a messege and can click on the link which takes me to the individuals profile. I can then look at the profile and update his access or go to the user list, admin etc but as soon as I click on Index and only index the error messeg above appears?

Utrinque Paratus


Re: DeBug Help needed?

What is the error message?


Re: DeBug Help needed?

The error messege is:

An error was encountered


Note: For detailed error information (necessary for troubleshooting), enable "DEBUG mode". To enable "DEBUG mode", open up the file config.php in a text editor, add a line that looks like "define('FORUM_DEBUG', 1);" (without the quotation marks), and re-upload the file. Once you've solved the problem, it is recommended that "DEBUG mode" be turned off again (just remove the line from the file and re-upload it).

Utrinque Paratus


Re: DeBug Help needed?

You have already posted this message. Did you try to do this?

Parpalak wrote:

It's the HTML code generated by forum script. It can't help us to understand what's wrong.

You have to open "config.php" file (via FTP or SSH) and to add there

define('FORUM_DEBUG', 1);

You can ask your hosting provider to help in editing "config.php" file.

After enabling the debug mode you will see more information about the error.


Re: DeBug Help needed?

I have put the code into the Mysql query and it come up with this?

SQL query:



MySQL said: 

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'define('FORUM_DEBUG', 1)' at line 1

Utrinque Paratus


Re: DeBug Help needed?

As it was written above, you need to add the line

define('FORUM_DEBUG', 1);

to end of the file "<FORUM_ROOT>/config.php". Not to Mysql query.