Topic: Joining topics

Hi all

what if you have some moron that has added twenty topics on a similar theme and you just want to bundle them together as threaded messages on the same topic? i don't have the heart to delete his posts.

is there a way to simply 'join' the topics into a single threaded one?


Re: Joining topics

No, there's not.

You could do it manually in the database, but if you're not familiar with SQL, it's not easy.

I would have deleted his posts... putting them in one topic just make it wierd :)

Re: Joining topics

thanks chacmool. i am also wondering about upgrading from 1.0.1 to 1.1.4 - it will mean alot of work for me because i customised the look and behaviour of several pages to make it fit the logins and protocols of my site. is it absolutely necessary to upgrade?
