Topic: The search enginee in Chinese (or non English)
punbb version 1.3 final
The search engine is very well for English, but is not good for Chinese.
it only can get Result for English, no Result for Chinese!
i debug the code ,find that
@108 'WHERE' statement
$query = array(
'SELECT' => 'm.post_id',
'FROM' => 'search_words AS w',
'JOINS' => array(
'INNER JOIN' => 'search_matches AS m',
'ON' => ''
'WHERE' => 'w.word LIKE \''.$forum_db->escape(str_replace('*', '%', $cur_word)).'\''
$query value is like
SELECT m.post_id FROM search_words AS w INNER JOIN search_matches AS m ON WHERE w.word LIKE '数据库'
my debug code is
echo 'search_functions.php@116@query=SELECT '.$query['SELECT'].' FROM '.$query['FROM'].' INNER JOIN '.'search_matches AS m'. ' ON '.''.' WHERE '.$query['WHERE'];
url is … C%E7%B4%A2
the keywords is '数据库', in English is 'database'
the final sql statement missing '%' around keywords.
maybe ths bug in all non English language.
the code
'WHERE' => 'w.word LIKE \''.$forum_db->escape(str_replace('*', '%', $cur_word)).'\''
modify to
'WHERE' => 'w.word LIKE \'%'.$forum_db->escape(str_replace('*', '%', $cur_word)).'%\''
then OK for keyword: '数据库'
but other keywords also have no Result.
most language is single byte/character, but Chinese is double byte/character(word) ,
in utf-8, most Chinese Word is 2 byte, other is 3byte or 4 byte.
this is a problem!
so on.