Topic: "Require verification of all new registrations by e-mail": email empty

The option "Require verification of all new registrations by e-mail" (even with smtp options),  send of the new user an empty email and classified as spam.

Re: "Require verification of all new registrations by e-mail": email empty

It works fine for me. Have you installed any extensions? Have any errors appeared  in php error log?

Re: "Require verification of all new registrations by e-mail": email empty

If you're using non-english mail templates it could be because of non-UTF8 coded mail template....
I had same problem and just needed to edit the mail templates in programme that codes it properly (UTF)

Re: "Require verification of all new registrations by e-mail": email empty

Thanks for the help:

1 .- I did not install any extensions.

2 .- Where I see the "errors appeared in php error log? No error appears when I do the registration and the PunBB warns correctly that sent the email to new user

3 .- Yes I am using a general template "oxygen" in Spanish. But what is an email template?

4 .- I installed punbb UTF8, because my base Mysql is uft8_spanish_ci.

Please, I continue to need your help. Thanks

Re: "Require verification of all new registrations by e-mail": email empty

If you change your forum language to english and test again we'll know if it's mail templates or not...

fsnoya wrote:

But what is an email template?

in /lang/Spanish/mail_templates

Re: "Require verification of all new registrations by e-mail": email empty

Yes. When I put the English language, the activation email is sent perfectly.

Do I also successfully sent the activation email with the Spanish language?


Re: "Require verification of all new registrations by e-mail": email empty

try with this activate_email.tpl …

looks like the spanish pack on wiki is coded ANSI not UTF8