Topic: Help. Lost admin rights!

Just install PunBB and have done a really stupid thing. I created a new membership group 'Owner' and assigned myself to that group (was previously the only Moderator). My login previously gave me full access to the Admin module but now I find that I cannot do anything. Is there anyway I can change entries in any of the databases using phpMyAdmin or will I have to re-install the board in order to create an Administrators login?


Re: Help. Lost admin rights!

If you go to the table users you can change the group id that you belong to.

You find the group id of the admin in the table groups

Re: Help. Lost admin rights!

Hi kierownik. Thanks for the info you sent. I have changed the value  of group_id in users table to 4 which is the value set for moderators g_id in groups table without any change in login permissions.

I then noticed that the values for g_post_flood, g_search_flood, and g_email_flood in groups table were different to those assigned to the moderator row (all 0) so I changed these values too. Still no change.

As a final attempt to return things to normal I have deleted the 'Owner' row that I had created in the groups table but I am still stuck with not being able to access full admin privileges. Can't spend too much time on this so I am going to remove tables and installation and start again. Thanks anyway.
