I am really sad, that nobody answered since this with his options or opinions...
Well after an hour of work today I finished my small script to convert a bbPress Database to a PunBB Database.
This scripts based on a Converter from PunBB to bbPress which I found in the internet.
Of course I will post it here for you. But I need to tell you, these is maybe not a elegant solution and it it's still not ready because the switching from HTML to PLAIN is complicated. Please read the instruction at the top of the Script first!! Very important!
* Import bbPress forum into PunBB forum
* ORIGINALLY DEVELOPED BY: Bruno Torres <http://brunotorres.net>
* MODIFIED FOR OTHER WAY SOLUTION BY: J. Hapke <http://www.jh-scripting.de>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License at
* http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for more details.
* We don't take any charge for destroyed database, destroyed PunBB and / or BBPress softwares.
* You Do this on your OWN Risk.
* Additions:
* You need to DOWNLOAD the following page from http://www.chuggnutt.com/html2text.php
* All Rights for this Programm goes to them!
* Put this file into the Folder where the Script will run.
* IMPORTANT: You need to DELETE all marked as DELETED posts in your bbPress database, otherwise you will all have them back.
* You can do this like it has been shown in this guide
* http://www.g-loaded.eu/2010/04/07/permanently-delete-posts-topics-bbpress/
* MODIFY the settings of this script, read below.
* It's IMPORTANT that your wordpress database and the bbPress database are the same database!
* Run the script and be Happy!
/* The database connection for existing punbb */
$punbb_db['host'] = 'localhost';
$punbb_db['username'] = 'username';
$punbb_db['password'] = 'password';
$punbb_db['database'] = 'databasename';
$punbb_db['tableprefix'] = 'pun_';
/* The database connection for new bbpress */
$bbpress_db['host'] = 'localhost';
$bbpress_db['username'] = 'username';
$bbpress_db['password'] = 'password';
$bbpress_db['database'] = 'databasename';
$bbpress_db['tableprefix'] = 'bb_';
$save_to_file = TRUE; //Change to FALSE to suppress writing queries to file.
$filename = '/bbPress_imported.sql'; //Ensure the file is writable by PHP.
$do_import = FALSE; //Change to TRUE if you want the script to perform the import.
//If FALSE, you will need to use the generated SQL file to do the import.
//You don't need to edit the rest of this file
$punbb_tables['forums'] = $punbb_db['tableprefix'] . 'forums';
$punbb_tables['categories'] = $punbb_db['tableprefix'] . 'categories';
$punbb_tables['users'] = $punbb_db['tableprefix'] . 'users';
$punbb_tables['topics'] = $punbb_db['tableprefix'] . 'topics';
$punbb_tables['posts'] = $punbb_db['tableprefix'] . 'posts';
$bbpress_tables['forums'] = $bbpress_db['tableprefix'] . 'forums';
$bbpress_tables['users'] = 'wp_users';
$bbpress_tables['usermeta'] = 'wp_usermeta';
$bbpress_tables['topics'] = $bbpress_db['tableprefix'] . 'topics';
$bbpress_tables['posts'] = $bbpress_db['tableprefix'] . 'posts';
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Import punbb to bbPress</title>
body{ font:normal 1em verdana, arial, "bitstream vera sans", helvetica, sans-serif; }
<div id="content">
//Connecting to the old forum database
@mysql_connect($bbpress_db['host'], $bbpress_db['username'], $bbpress_db['password']) or die("Connect to bbPress database failed.<br>\nMySQL output:<br>\n<pre>" . mysql_error() . "</pre>");
echo "Connected to punbb database host.<br>\n"; flush();
@mysql_select_db($bbpress_db['database']) or die("Cannot select bbPress database. MySQL output:<br>\n<pre>" . mysql_error() . "</pre>");
echo "Selected bbPress database.<br><br>\n"; flush();
//Next, let's import the forums themselves
$export_sql = "SELECT forum_id, forum_name, forum_desc, forum_order, topics, posts FROM " . $bbpress_tables['forums'];
$export_result = mysql_query($export_sql) or die("Can't retrieve data from the bbpress forums table. The query used was:<br>\n<pre>" . $export_sql . "</pre><br>\n and the server threw the following error:<br>\n<pre>" . mysql_error() . "</pre>");
$import_sql .= "#Exporting Forums data: \n";
while($export_row = mysql_fetch_object($export_result)){
$import_sql .= "INSERT INTO " . $punbb_tables['forums'] . " (id, forum_name, forum_desc, disp_position, num_topics, num_posts, cat_id, sort_by) VALUES (
" . $export_row->forum_id . ",
'" . addslashes($export_row->forum_name) . "',
'" . addslashes($export_row->forum_desc) . "',
" . $export_row->forum_order . ",
" . $export_row->topics . ",
" . $export_row->posts . ",
echo "Forums exported - OK.<br>\n"; flush();
//Now, to the users
$export_sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $bbpress_tables['users'];
$export_result = mysql_query($export_sql) or die("Can't retrieve data from the punbb users table. The query used was:<br>\n<pre>" . $export_sql . "</pre><br>\n MySQL output:<br>\n<pre>" . mysql_error() . "</pre>");
$import_sql .= "#Exporting Users data: \n";
while($export_row = mysql_fetch_object($export_result)){
$user_id = ($export_row->ID +1);
$posts_count_first = mysql_query("SELECT user_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM `wp_usermeta` WHERE user_id = " .$export_row->ID . " AND meta_key = \"bb_topics_replied\"");
$posts_count = mysql_fetch_object($posts_count_first);
$regdate = strtotime($export_row->user_registered);
$import_sql .= "INSERT INTO " . $punbb_tables['users'] . " (id, username, password, email, url, registered, num_posts) VALUES (
" . $user_id . ",
'" . $export_row->user_login . "',
'" . $export_row->user_pass . "',
'" . $export_row->user_email . "',
'" . $export_row->user_url . "',
'" . $regdate . "',
'" . $posts_count->meta_value . "'
$import_sql .= "INSERT INTO " . $punbb_tables['users'] . " (id, username, password, registered) VALUES (
'" . time() . "'
echo "Users exported - OK.<br>\n"; flush();
//Importing topics
$export_sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $bbpress_tables['topics'];
$export_result = mysql_query($export_sql) or die("Can't retrieve data from the bbpress topics table. The query used was:<br>\n<pre>" . $export_sql . "</pre><br>\n MySQL output:<br>\n<pre>" . mysql_error() . "</pre>");
$import_sql .= "#Exporting Topics: \n";
while($export_row = mysql_fetch_object($export_result)){
$poster = $export_row->topic_poster_name;
$last_poster = $export_row->topic_last_poster_name;
$postdate = strtotime($export_row->topic_start_time);
$lastpost = strtotime($export_row->topic_time);
$import_sql .= "INSERT INTO " . $punbb_tables['topics'] . " (id, subject, poster, last_poster, posted, forum_id, closed, last_post_id, sticky, num_replies, num_views, last_post) VALUES (
" . $export_row->topic_id . ",
'" . addslashes($export_row->topic_title) . "',
'" . $poster . "',
'" . $last_poster . "',
'" . $postdate . "',
" . $export_row->forum_id . ",
" . $export_row->topic_last_post_id . ",
" . $export_row->topic_sticky . ",
" . ($export_row->topic_posts - 1) . ",
'" . $lastpost . "'
echo "Topics exported - OK.<br>\n"; flush();
//Importing posts
$export_sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $bbpress_tables['posts'];
$export_result = mysql_query($export_sql) or die("Can't retrieve data from bbpress poste table. The query used was:<br>\n<pre>" . $export_sql . "</pre><br>\n MySQL output:<br>\n<pre>" . mysql_error() . "</pre>");
// Include the class definition file.
$import_sql .= "#Exporting Posts: \n";
while($export_row = mysql_fetch_object($export_result)){
$post_time = strtotime($export_row->post_time);
$poster_name_first = mysql_query("SELECT ID, user_login FROM `wp_users` WHERE ID = " .$export_row->poster_id);
$poster_name = mysql_fetch_object($poster_name_first);
$post_text_first =& new html2text($export_row->post_text);
$post_text_second = $post_text_first->get_text();
$post_text = substr($post_text_second, 2, -1);
$import_sql .= "INSERT INTO " . $punbb_tables['posts'] . " (id, topic_id, poster, poster_id, message, posted, poster_ip, hide_smilies) VALUES (
" . $export_row->post_id . ",
" . $export_row->topic_id . ",
'" . $poster_name->user_login . "',
" . ($export_row->poster_id +1) . ",
'" . addslashes($post_text) . "',
'" . $post_time . "',
'" . $export_row->poster_ip . "',
echo "Posts exported.<br><br>\n"; flush();
$sql_file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$filename;
if ($save_to_file){
if (file_put_contents($sql_file, utf8_encode($import_sql))){
echo "The SQL queries were successfully written to the file: ".$sql_file."<br><br>\n"; flush();
} else {
echo "Could not write file. Check file/directory permissions."; flush();
if ($do_import){
@mysql_connect($punbb_db['host'], $punbb_db['username'], $punbb_db['password']) or die("Can't connect to bbpress database.<br>\nMySQL output:<br>\n<pre>" . mysql_error() . "</pre>");
@mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
echo "UTF-8 selected<br>\n"; flush();
@mysql_select_db($punbb_db['database']) or die("Can't select the bbpress database. MySQL output:<br>\n<pre>" . mysql_error() . "</pre>");
/* Cleanup; admin user is given high ID to avoid the ID already issued to punbb users */
@mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE " . $punbb_tables['forums']);
@mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE " . $punbb_tables['topics']);
@mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE " . $punbb_tables['posts']);
@mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE " . $punbb_tables['users']);
/* Break SQL into an array of single INSERTs and apply each */
$import_sql = utf8_encode($import_sql);
$import_sql_array = explode(";\n", $import_sql);
echo "Starting the import...<br>\n"; flush();
$ok = 0;
$error = 0;
foreach ($import_sql_array as $s){
if (!@mysql_query($s)){
echo "There was an error trying to execute the query:<br>\n<pre>$s</pre><br>\nMySQLoutput:<br>\n<pre>" . mysql_error() . "</pre>\n"; flush();
} else {
echo "Import complete.<br>\nStatistics:<br>\n$ok successful, $error errors"; flush();